Pricing for each conversion project is based soley on estimated labor time. WordPress is free. Twitter Bootstrap is free.
All conversion contracts are fixed price. We do not work on an hourly rate basis.
The price estimate below is provided only as a ball park estimation for a typical project of a certain number of pages. We will make a specific quote after analyzing your site.
The estimate does not include extra costs for dynamic pages (eg, e-commerce programs), or other issues we come across as we analyze your site. All such issues will be addressed in our quote.
Conversion desired: Select RWD only for just a conversion to responsive HTML, or WP only for just a conversion to WordPress, or both for both conversions at the same time.
Estimate the number of static HTML pages for the site. PHP created pages will require a different estimate of cost, and will be negotiated durng the analysis of the site.
~~~ Theta Systems Inc ~~~